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Pac Sci Center Science On Wheels: Physics

A live science show, hands-on class workshops, and a pop-up exhibit to bring tactile learning to all students

Student Grant Recipients Total: 301

Award Amount: $3,230*

The Pacific Science Center will host it's third full-day Science on Wheels program at Edmonds Elementary in March 2024 thanks to a fully funded STARS grant award of $3,230*.

The Science on Wheels program from Pacific Science Center will bring dynamic STEM

experiences to Edmonds Elementary, packed with interactive activities for students.

The program starts with an exciting assembly featuring dramatic physics demonstrations, including a Van de Graff generator that makes hair stand on end and lids popping off cans using liquid nitrogen.

Students will then explore hands-on, interactive exhibits that showcase physics phenomena like magnetism, light, sound, and motion. They can test their strength against an electromagnet or create electrical circuits.

Additionally, tailored workshops brought into their classrooms taught by PacSci educators will engage different grade levels:

  • Grades K-2: Good Vibrations, Leaping Lenses, The Force

  • Grades 3-5: Charged Up, Good Vibrations, Refraction Action

  • Grades 5-6: Pulley Power, Refraction Action, Electromagnets

This program not only excites students about science but also promotes equitable access to high-quality STEM education.

*Total award amount is an estimate. Final numbers will not be available until all receipts have been submitted and projects completed.

Spotlight on the Numbers


Student Grant Recipients


Dollars Awarded



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